Monday, August 25, 2008
Recollections of Slave Life in Murray County, Georgia
Daryl Black
Thought I'd put out a link to the memoir of Levi Branham. An interesting view of Northwest Georgia life from the African American perspective. His story of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Caps provides a foil to my earlier post regarding racial violence in Northwest Georiga and Southeast Tennessee.
Postwar Fun,
Primary Documents,
Preview... South Carolina and Kentucky on deck
Patrick Lewis
As Lee said, the summer ending has brought a great transition for those of us in the academic world as well as in the Chick-Chatt sphere, so again our apologies for our slumping post count. I do have a number of post ideas that I want to work on in the coming weeks, so I figured some trailers might be in order
Lee and I made a trip to the South Carolina Low Country at the beginning of August which holds some promising post material. One I am particularly excited about is a small church in the village of Cainhoy outside of Charleston which was the scene of a Republican-Democrat clash during the election of 1876. We might even get a couple out of that. Lee could easily throw in a couple about the day we spent in Georgetown on the trail of Co. A 10th So. Ca.
Also, as I have a research seminar coming up this semester, look for some interesting posts about Kentucky politics during and after the war. I can't get too specific as to what I'll have, but I have found some neat stuff in newspapers that I want to write up too.
Bear with us, September should be a productive month!
Lee and I made a trip to the South Carolina Low Country at the beginning of August which holds some promising post material. One I am particularly excited about is a small church in the village of Cainhoy outside of Charleston which was the scene of a Republican-Democrat clash during the election of 1876. We might even get a couple out of that. Lee could easily throw in a couple about the day we spent in Georgetown on the trail of Co. A 10th So. Ca.
Also, as I have a research seminar coming up this semester, look for some interesting posts about Kentucky politics during and after the war. I can't get too specific as to what I'll have, but I have found some neat stuff in newspapers that I want to write up too.
Bear with us, September should be a productive month!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Update...or where are we.
Lee White
Dear Readers,
As you can tell we are in a slow period right now, actually it is just the opposite, all of us are swamped with activities outside of our beloved blog. So please be patent with us right now.
As you can tell we are in a slow period right now, actually it is just the opposite, all of us are swamped with activities outside of our beloved blog. So please be patent with us right now.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
And a quick jab at the Cavalry
Lee White
Also as part of Cooper's letter he has this to say of the Cavalry, "they are generally a thieving and cowardly set of rogues with whom association is not all to be desired."
Primary Documents
Braxton Bragg
Lee White

Fellow AoT Blogger Chris Young passed this along to me yesterday, and thought I would share yet again another pro Bragg man. This time from a Louisianan, James Cooper of the 1st Louisiana Regulars. Cooper would write from Dalton on December 5th, 1863, "Genl Bragg took leave of us on the 2nd of this month a sad parting to us who have served with him during the whole war. We were attached to him personally, and regret his leaving because notwithstanding the abuse heaped upon him by the press of the country, we are satisfied that his course, though dictated by the patriotism that has characterized his whole career, will prove a serious blow to the country and our cause. We know the difficulties and embarrassments with which the bold hero has had to contend and the self sacrficing devotion with which he has struggled to overcome them; and yet, never turning aside to vindicate his course before a prejudiced people or to repel and expose the slanders of his enemies. Throughout the army I believe his loss severely felt and sincerely regretted."
So, add another one to the listing. The notion of the hatred of Bragg being so widespread is beginning to smell of conspiracy.
So, add another one to the listing. The notion of the hatred of Bragg being so widespread is beginning to smell of conspiracy.
Braxton Bragg,
Primary Documents
A Few D--D Fools Came Through
Patrick Lewis
The day that we surrendered our regiment it was a pitiful sight to behold. If I remember correctly, there were just sixty-five men in all, including officers, that were paroled on that day. ... It was indeed a sad sight to look at, the old First Tennessee Regiment. A mere squad of noble and brave men, gathered around the tattered flag that they had followed in every battle through that long war.Of course, Sam himself didn't see the end of the regiment, he stayed in Middle Tennessee after the disastrous winter campaign and took the oath in Memphis. But even the way the above is phrased is disingenuous. It implies that the rest of the unit were all killed or disabled, which , we find, is actually far from the truth. Running through the CSRs we find the real "what happened" to the men of Co. H. Of the 111 1861 Maury Grays we can see that by far the greatest source of attrition is being detached to other assignments and transferring to other units (and usually getting promoted in the process). This is followed in number by men being discharged usually for disability. Interesting among the discharges are those done in accordance with the Conscript Act of 1862, the famous "20 Negro Law" that exempted the family members of large slaveowners from military service, ostensibly to serve as pattyrollers guarding against the feared servile insurrection.

Note that those things that SRW rails against: men getting put in "bombproof" positions and going home on the "20 Negro" bill are prevalent among his 1861 comrades.
Then nearly half of the army was detailed for "corps" of some kind: "signal corps, engineer corps, ordinance corps, infirmary corps, sapper and miner corps, etc., etc., and when the private soldier saw all these corps put on detail and left him to do the fighting, he felt that our cause was lost. It made him sick of war, boys that had volunteered with him all get some kind of positions and left him to bear the brunt of battle. The first year there were eight in my mess. At were promoted...No wonder that Sam felt "the common soldier" was left to fight the war alone, because he himself saw a disproportionate number of his fellows leave the firing line during the war. Compared to the men who leave the line through transfers, relatively few of the men of Aytch actually get killed, wounded and disabled, or die of disease. For all the fights they were in, the losses of the company were slight. In the revised edition of Aytch, we see that Sam was starting to recognize this. I think these sentiments come out as a result of some alienation from his old comrades and a big falling out in the late 1880s, but they speak more to the truth.
Now, what became of the original 3,200? I can tell you. They were all promoted to Captains, Colonels, Generals, Commissaries, and staff officers, scouts, spies, special details, and a few d--d fools came through.Yep.
We look at the men who join the unit later and find a changed picture indeed from the original MGs. Few of them can use elite family connections to get transferred away from the main line. We can see, though, that they don't stick with the fight to the end. A huge chunk of the conscripts desert the army, most of them in the Spring of 1863 after being conscripted in Febuary of that year. Though the later men were only 1/3 of the company's total strength, they make up nearly 3/4 of the company's desertions. One of the Maury Gray deserters, it must be remembered, is our own Sam Watkins. Look also at how many more of the later additions per captia were captured in battle, leading to questions about how willing they were to go over to the enemy.
There are some fascinating trends here that I want to explore further. Use the comments section to point out any you see.
1st Tennessee,
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