Fellow AoT Blogger Chris Young passed this along to me yesterday, and thought I would share yet again another pro Bragg man. This time from a Louisianan, James Cooper of the 1st Louisiana Regulars. Cooper would write from Dalton on December 5th, 1863, "Genl Bragg took leave of us on the 2nd of this month a sad parting to us who have served with him during the whole war. We were attached to him personally, and regret his leaving because notwithstanding the abuse heaped upon him by the press of the country, we are satisfied that his course, though dictated by the patriotism that has characterized his whole career, will prove a serious blow to the country and our cause. We know the difficulties and embarrassments with which the bold hero has had to contend and the self sacrficing devotion with which he has struggled to overcome them; and yet, never turning aside to vindicate his course before a prejudiced people or to repel and expose the slanders of his enemies. Throughout the army I believe his loss severely felt and sincerely regretted."
So, add another one to the listing. The notion of the hatred of Bragg being so widespread is beginning to smell of conspiracy.
So, add another one to the listing. The notion of the hatred of Bragg being so widespread is beginning to smell of conspiracy.
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