Time for a post and update, its been hard to pay much attention to the blog lately due to a number of factors, most notably working on my next book. However, after a brief visit and drive around the Resaca area on Monday, I thought it would be timely to note the recent effort by the Civil War Trust to try to preserve more land at the site. Resaca is a true Gem of a site and will hopefully be open to visitation in the not too distant future.
The little village of Resaca was the site of two engagements during the Civil War, the most notable being the slugfest that occured on May 14-15, 1864 between Sherman and Johnston. The second was part of Hood's march north following the fall of Atlanta. Portions of both engagements are being preserved at this time by efforts from the Civil War Trust, The Friends of Resaca Battlefield, along with the state of Georgia. Here is the most recent annoucement by the Civil War Trust to work on obtaining the land where some of the heaviest fighting in the battle occured, http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/resaca/resaca-2011/a-message-from-jim-lighthizer.html. Also, for those who are interested, http://www.resacabattlefield.org/ (Note the Confederate Sharpshooter on the lower left is yours truely circa 1991.)
The little village of Resaca was the site of two engagements during the Civil War, the most notable being the slugfest that occured on May 14-15, 1864 between Sherman and Johnston. The second was part of Hood's march north following the fall of Atlanta. Portions of both engagements are being preserved at this time by efforts from the Civil War Trust, The Friends of Resaca Battlefield, along with the state of Georgia. Here is the most recent annoucement by the Civil War Trust to work on obtaining the land where some of the heaviest fighting in the battle occured, http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/resaca/resaca-2011/a-message-from-jim-lighthizer.html. Also, for those who are interested, http://www.resacabattlefield.org/ (Note the Confederate Sharpshooter on the lower left is yours truely circa 1991.)